The Advent Bell
That our hearts may truly receive
God’s yearly wake-up call.
The Advent bell
That same old ordinary bell
Striking thrice daily,
Week after week,
Year after year,
The ever familiar command
To the life we hold so dear.
On this eve,
Our hearts perceive
A different tone, a different
A holy anticipation of the
Mystery to come.
The Advent bell
Invites us on a new pilgrimage
To climb the mountainous heights
To walk the holy path of Light.
Rouses us to awake from sleep
To reflect, renew, and rejoice
On all the paths we keep.
The Advent bell,
That same old ordinary bell,
Beckons us to wait in holy
For new epiphanies in all our
daily interactions.
May our hearts be astound
When the long awaited Christmas
bell resounds
That same old ordinary bell
That daily calls us to faithfully
walk the path of the Paschal Mystery.
~Sister Priscilla Cohen, OSB