Friday, December 24, 2010

Awaiting Christmas Wonder

All is quiet in the night
in the solitude of my room
soaking in the Mystery
of what is to come at Midnight Mass.

Solemn anticipation
of God's glory to be revealed
in a matter I know not how.

What will transpire this Christmas Eve?
What will be spoken?
What will be illuminated
in the darkness of this holy night?

I believe, I believe,
this night will speak to me of Christ's coming
in new ways I cannot imagine!

O Word of God,
transform me in your glory!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holy Waiting

"Advent is the season of the secret, the secret of the growth of Christ, of divine love growing in silence."~Caryll Houselander
Advent is probably my favorite season of the liturgical year because of all the rich words in Scripture that invite me to pause and wonder at the mystery of Christ's coming.  It is a time to prepare and celebrate something new, something awesome, something beautiful, and something all-loving. That something is Jesus, our Savior, always present within us, waiting for us to come to the realization he is ALWAYS within us; we do not have to search high and low, but only have to take the time to pause and feel the divine encounter within. We are gifted with the season of Advent to put a spark back into our busy, hectic lives, a spark that re-energizes us to focus on the essential holiness of what life is all about.  We need only to wait as Mary did for the coming of Jesus.  How she must have pondered the meaning of her call to birth the Son of God.  What did she and Elizabeth share as they both awaited birthing events?  What holy preparations they must have made to welcome God's divine guests for the love of the world!

The true meaning of Christmas becomes more pure for me from year to year.  Because I live in a monastery and am gifted with such beautiful and prayerful liturgy, the revelation of salvation history and God's plan of love greets me every prayerful moment.  Yet, I must always struggle to be attentive to the Divine Presence within.  As I decorate the Christmas tree, as I set the dinner table, as I bake special goodies for the Christmas party, as I wrap a few presents, as I prepare a special prayer service, I know that the coming of Christ is the reason for all this "holy" activity, waiting for Christ to be born in me to gift love to others.

In my waiting and in my longing to see the light of Christ in a new way in my life, I call to mind the following excerpt of a poem by Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB, from her book
 Seasons of Your Heart, "Christmas Shopping"
"Jesus, I think I hear you coming
I think I hear a sound that says
you've cared your way into my life again.

I think I see a light more lasting
than the ones we hang on trees
I think I see a world
that's splashed with God again
so gospelled with his presence
so covered with his love
yet, lonely still...

We are Christmas shoppers, Lord
We are shopping for a way
to make your coming last
O take the blind in us and hold it close
O teach us how to see
Decorate our lives with your vision
For Christmas, let us see!...

Jesus, we long for Christmas-eyes.
Please heal the blind in us
For Christmas, eyes that see!"
~Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB

So all I want for Christmas is a set of brightly opened eyes to see anew the Divine Mystery within my heart and within others. And, God, a little bit of snow would be nice too!!!